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The Power of Influence


Tonight was a special night of celebrating dear long-time friends and mentors. We attended a 50th anniversary party for Dennis and Margie Baltzer. When Jerry and I were saved many years ago as young adults, Dennis and Margie took us under their wing, met with us regularly, loved us, and taught us the basics of the Bible.

We also saw many other friends that we knew from our home church from years ago. I want to specifically give honor to two more of these couples. When I was a teenager, a couple from the church did a Bible study at their home with me and a friend of mine. We weren't as committed as we should have been, but Daryle and Marie Baltzer went through some studies with us and loved and accepted us. Even though we didn't make a true commitment to Jesus at that time, seeds were planted in my heart.

The third couple I want to mention is Mike and Marge Frantz. I was saved two years before Jerry, but a few months after Jerry was saved, the Frantzs became our pastors. We grew up spiritually under them for over five years. They loved us and taught us the Word of God.

I want to publicly thank these three wonderful couples who have all had a part in who we are today. We love you and thank God for you. May we be found as faithful to influence others as you have influenced us.

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