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The Season of Giving

We all know Christmas time as the season of giving. Many people devote much time, energy, and finances to give the perfect gifts to their family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. The gifts may be large and expensive or as small as a plate of cookies. The size of the gift doesn't matter; it truly is the heart behind the gift that matters.

You may feel you don't have a lot to give, but there are some gifts all of us can give, not just at the holidays but all year long. Here are some suggestions:

1. Give of your time. Visit a friend or family member, invite a family over for dinner, volunteer at your church, help at a food pantry, or babysit for an exhausted young mom. You can easily come up with some ideas on your own.

2. Give encouragement. I promise you that every person in your life needs encouragement. Some needs are obvious, but even those who seem to be doing well still need an uplifting word spoken at times. You kind word or hug may be the thing that keeps someone going when they were ready to give up.

3. Give honor to others. It seems many in our society have forgotten how to honor others. With social media reaching millions if not billions of people, negative comments posted to dishonor others can reach the masses in no time. Once it is out there, there is no taking it back. Many people's reputations and character have been damaged due to lack of honor. Even if we don't agree with someone, we should still honor them.

4. Give effort. Are we known as people who will go the extra mile to help someone? Will we go out of our way and be willing to be inconvenienced? Do we put out our best effort at our workplace and where we volunteer?

5. Give forgiveness. Is there someone you need to forgive? You may have been hurt deeply, but it doesn't help you to hold onto an offense. I encourage you to forgive and let it go.

6. Give grace and mercy. We all make mistakes that may not be sinful, but just because of carelessness or inconsideration. We must be willing to overlook the faults of others. It is a known fact that we will reap what we sow and I need mercy so I will give it!

7. Give a helping hand. In our fast-paced world we often don't feel we have time to stop and help someone in need. Help those who cross your path. It may be as simple as holding a door open for someone or offering to help someone with their hands full carry something to their car. The list is endless.

None of these suggestions cost any money, but the benefit we receive is priceless. Let's choose to be generous people this holiday season and year round. Be generous with your time, encouragement, honor, effort, forgiveness, grace, mercy, and be willing to lend a helping hand. I promise you will be blessed and it will bring much joy to your heart.

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