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Be a Team Player

If you follow sports, specifically the NBA teams, you are aware that Russell Westbrook of the Oklahoma City Thunder is an incredible basketball player. Many believe he should be named the Most Valuable Player of the league. This week he tied Oscar Robertson's all-time record for triple doubles in a season and he has three more regular season games to surpass him.

Russell has 41 triple doubles which means he has scored double digits in points, rebounds, and assists. He has scored an amazing amount of points, but that's not enough to get him where he is today. He has learned how to get enough assists (helping another player score), and rebounds to prove himself as one of the best basketball players ever.

As I have reflected on this, I realize how important these same principles are in life. We can have great success and victories, but we need to realize it's about more than just us. To be a really balanced person, we need to also have the ability to rebound and be able to assist others to succeed.

Russell could probably score even more points, but he works hard to assist others to score. We can do the same in life. We can help others by encouraging them, building them up, and doing what we can to help them fulfill their dreams and destiny.

It's important that we also know how to rebound in life. We will experiences failures, discouragement, disappointment, and hurt. But we must learn to rebound by getting back up, grabbing the ball of life, and keep going. If we press toward the goal, determined to win in this life, we will not only make a difference in the kingdom of God, but we will also help others achieve their goal and fulfill their purpose.

Paul said in Philippians 3:14, "I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Let's press toward the goal, but bring others along with us. Let's be team players!

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