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He Came

Walking in darkness - nowhere to turn

No one to guide us from day to day

Living in sadness and fear of tomorrow

Who will save us and show us the way?

A great light shone bright from the heavens above

Someone to deliver us out of our plight

The answer came down in a bundle of love

Born in Bethlehem under God-sent light.

Shepherds came running - their flocks left behind

To see the Messiah in a manger so small.

They knelt by the child - praising God for His Son

Who would break down all barriers and shatter the wall.

He came bringing gladness to all of the earth

To take all our burdens and give us His peace

That only the Father can bestow in our hearts

If we'll give Him our lives - our wills to release.

The government shall be upon His shoulders

His name shall be called Mighty Prince of Peace

Wonderful, Counselor, Eternal God.

His powerful reign will never cease.

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