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Ambassadors For Christ

I had been a Christian for many years before I came to an understanding of my position in Christ. Even though I was living for God, involved in the local church, and even teaching in-depth Bible studies, I didn't have the confidence I desired in my relationship to God. When I would fail, I had a hard time praying and felt at times that my prayers were hitting the ceiling. I was doing the best I could, but I never quite felt like I measured up. Even though I had a wonderful dad, I had a picture in my head of a God that was just putting up with me. He loved me because I was part of the world so He had to love me, not because He desired to love me.

When I began to grasp the love of God and who I am in Christ, my life began to change. I came to understand that He loved me personally. I came to understand that my position in Christ was secure, not because I was good enough or never failed, but because of what Jesus had done for me. He paid the price for us to come boldly to the throne of grace and He seated me in Christ in heavenly places to reign in life!

Besides the revelation of God's love for me, the teaching of righteousness totally revolutionized my life. The truth of II Corinthians 5:21 became emblazened upon my heart and life. "He (God) made Him (Jesus) to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." It's all about Jesus and what He accomplished for me. My position is secure because of the price that was paid to secure my freedom and the fact that I am seated with Christ!

There is so much to this topic that it would take books to explain it here, but I wanted to give this background before I delved into my main point. There is much focus on II Corinthians 5:21 as there should be. It is a life-transforming truth that changed my life tremendously. But there isn't as much teaching on the previous verse, so I want to focus on it right now.

"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God." II Corinthians 5:20 NASB) We are ambassadors for Christ. Wow! Do we really understand what Paul is saying here? The Amplified Bible says we are "Christ's personal representatives."

Biblical teaching aside for a moment, what is an ambassador? The dictionary says and ambassador is an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country. Ambassadors represent their home country while working and living in the country to which they've been appointed. The definition of a diplomat is "A person who represents his or her country's government in a foreign country; someone whose work is diplomacy; a person who has skill in dealing with people."

As ambassadors for Christ, we have been sent by Christ to be his personal representatives to tell others how they can be right with God - how they can be reconciled to God. We are the voice of heaven on this earth. We are representing Christ on this earth. This is a big responsibility. In the natural realm, men and women must go through a lengthy process to become an ambassador, but Jesus entrusts us with this responsbility as soon as we are born again. We become the righteousness of God in Christ the moment we believe and He then sends us into this broken world to be His representatives.

Do we have an understanding of this? As we go about our day, are we consciously aware that we are representing Christ everywhere we go? If we were the only one to reveal the heart of Jesus and His Father to those we meet, what kind of picture would they have of our wonderful God? Are we seeking to break down the walls that exist between God and so many?

We have the authority of heaven backing us! We are speaking on behalf of God. As an ambassador for Christ, we are appointed to declare God's will on this earth. We have the resources of the government of heaven behind us. I Thessalonians 2:14 says we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are take His message to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8). The New Living Translation in II Corinthians 5:20 says, "We speak for Christ when we plead, 'Come back to God!"

May we understand our position, our authority, and our responsibility before God and this world and may we represent Jesus well.

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